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Water safety

The effects of climate change are increasingly frequent and intense. This is also the conclusion of the latest IPCC report (WG2, February 2022). The hopeful message given by the UN climate panel is that we still have influence, but we must speed up. Accelerated adaptation is critical in order to continue to live safely and sustainably in deltas and coastal areas in the future.

As an engineering firm, we feel this intense urgency. Low-lying countries are vulnerable in terms of water safety and freshwater supply. At the same time, there is a substantial ambition to build housing. Delta Commissioner Peter Glas therefore supports an integrated approach to ensure that plans are actually implemented climate-adaptively and area development is truly future-proof.

The current issues of water safety alone are complex and require innovative thinking. Due to lack of space, escalating costs, concerned residents and sustainability.

In our view, the future reinforcement task needs a new perspective. Our team of experienced and committed engineers will tackle any challenges in an energetic and creative manner. We see innovation as a means to an end. Our integral knowledge of structural, hydraulic and geotechnical engineering will provide customized solutions;

The projects we carried out have proven that we have pushed boundaries in the process.

Image: © HWBP


Read how we manage water safety in practice here:

Water safety


Dike reinforcement City of Tiel

Dike reinforcement City of Tiel

A puzzle of piles, anchors, and forces! This is how you can describe the sheet pile wall construction of section 3B (DT3B) in the City of Tiel. To better protect the city of Tiel against high water, the dike between the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal and the Inundation Canal is being structurally reinforced. On behalf of FPH Ploegmakers, ABT developed the engineering of this project into an implementation design.
Dijkversterking Kinderdijk

Dike reinforcement Kinderdijk-Schoonhovenseveer

Dike reinforcement Kinderdijk-Schoonhovenseveer

Going through a comprehensive dike reinforcement from tender to completion: a unique experience that ABT gained during the dike reinforcement between Kinderdijk and Schoonhovenseveer. ABT was responsible for high-quality geotechnical calculations, verification and validation of the entire design process, risk management, and execution supervision. Our focus was on the interaction between structures and the dike.
Dijkversterking Heel en Beesel - bentonietmatten

Dyke reinforcement Heel and Beesel

Dyke reinforcement Heel and Beesel

ABT is one of the leading engineering firms when it comes to structurally reinforced dykes. The Heel and Beesel dyke reinforcement project uses heave and stability screens to strengthen the dyke for the next 50 years.

Dyke reinforcement Sterke Lekdijk

Dyke reinforcement Sterke Lekdijk

The northern Lekdijk is one of the most important river dykes in the Netherlands, protecting much of the central and western Netherlands. The dyke no longer meets current standards and needs to be reinforced along a 55-kilometre stretch from Amerongen to Schoonhoven.
Dijkversterking Sterke Lekdijk

Dyke reinforcement Sterke Lekdijk – Salmsteke sub-section

Dyke reinforcement Sterke Lekdijk – Salmsteke sub-section

The northern Lekdijk between Amerongen and Schoonhoven will be reinforced on behalf of Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden*. Together with contractor Mourik Infra, ABT is involved in the Salmsteke and Salmsteke-Schoonhoven subprojects. For the Salmsteke sub-project, ABT will focus on the further development of the Prolock Filter Screen as an innovative vertical piping solution and on the design of the structural dyke reinforcement.

Dyke reinforcement Sterke Lekdijk – sub-section Salmsteke – Schoonhoven

Dyke reinforcement Sterke Lekdijk – sub-section Salmsteke – Schoonhoven

Together with Mourik and RPS, ABT is working on this subproject. When we got on board after being awarded the contract, the plan execution phase of subproject Salmsteke, the first of the six subprojects, had already started. In subproject Salmsteke - Schoonhovenseveer we will complete the whole plan execution phase.