Environmental impact-driven design
The built environment is responsible for 40% of all Dutch CO2 emissions. For sustainability, the main focus is on reducing operational emissions. However, construction processes and material use also cause CO2 . This is why ABT advocates the Whole Life Carbon approach. Our designers at the building, element and material level can specifically reduce the environmental impact of materials for structures or façades in order to contribute to a Paris-proof built environment.

EIM tool makes environmental impact measurable
Building zero impact starts with the right choices early in the design phase. At ABT, we actively and integrally manage environmental impact and upfront carbon. As a standard we will make standard use of insights from our Environmental Impact Monitor (EIM). This tool monitors both regulations (MPG) and Paris-proof ambitions (carbon-footprint chas) of the materials used during the design process. The EIM tool results can be used directly for an MPG calculation, BREEAM certification and the GPR calculation.
The results of all the projects calculated in EIM provide us and our clients with great insight. We will use the data collected and an efficient environmental impact-driven design to anticipate the tightened targets in 2030.
Material-related emissions with a budget approach
The MPG calculation assumes multiple emissions that impact the environment over the total lifetime of the materials. Climate change and global warming mainly relates to shorter-term CO2 emissions. To stay within the 1.5 degree warming ambition of the Paris Agreement, we also calculate the embodied carbon of our projects, and mirror it against the available carbon budget. This budget approach is detailed in a report by NIBE in collaboration with DGBC.
A relevant question is: How can we reduce emissions in the early initiation phase of a project? So not simply “build less bad” but build “good for the environment”? This is what carbon-based designs will achieve.

Why not let ABT show you the path to CO2-neutral buildings and a CO2-neutral building process and material use. Let us take you through choices to be made for a demonstrable impact. Feel free to contact one of our specialists.
View all projects
Collectiecentrum Nederland
Collectiecentrum Nederland

dsm-firmenich headquarters redevelopment
dsm-firmenich headquarters redevelopment

Shell campus: sustainability and renovation C30
Shell campus: sustainability and renovation C30