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Implementation guidance

ABT stands for quality. Not only for the quality of our own work. We stand for the quality of integral design. After all, we promise clients a feasible design that is makeable. We use our practical knowledge to design and like to stay involved in its implementation. Also, clients may ask us to bear execution responsibility in the role of coordinating structural engineer.

Implementation guidance

Within the many specialties in our organization, we connect design and execution. As (co-)design engineers, we know in detail how design choices were made, and why. This knowledge is of great value in the execution phase and is shared with the construction team. During construction, we act as a point of inquiry for contractors, construction companies and specialty suppliers. Moreover, we are sparring partners for (alternative) solutions to unexpected problems or any changed external circumstances.

Coordinating structural engineer

Clients frequently ask us to fill the role of coordinating structural engineer. This is to ensure that all aspects of the construction process run efficiently and effectively. Working closely with all construction partners, we check if the process goes according to plan if any occurring problems are resolved.

Quality assurance and inspections

Well-functioning, safe construction sites and buildings are important to builders, building owners, users, and the immediate environment. ABT provides quality assurance and inspections throughout the construction process. We use our practical knowledge and experience to conduct risk-based testing of the agreed principles and laws and regulations at all stages. For existing buildings, we frequently perform inspections based on risk analysis.

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