
In collaboration with | Orange Architects |
Location | Amsterdam |
Project scope | 29.950 m2 |
Expertises | |
Jonas’ wins the Concrete Award 2024 – housing category
In addition to winning the BNA Best Building of the Year 2023, Jonas’ has now also won the Concrete Award 2024 in the housing category. For the jury, the meandering, public canyon running through the building was a striking feature: “The construction consists of ‘green’ concrete with environmentally friendly cement, reducing the environmental impact of the concrete parts by more than 30%. The jury especially appreciates the strengthening of social cohesion in the neighborhood and the low environmental impact of the building. The winner of the Concrete Award 2024 in the housing category stands out in terms of sustainability, concrete technological innovation, and also has a high aesthetic quality!”

Winner BNA Best Building of the Year!
Jonas’ is winner of BNA Best Building of the Year 2023! After receiving the highest sustainability certificate BREEAM Outstanding, the team feels it is the icing on the cake. This is the annual architecture award that focuses not only on the building itself, but also on its impact on society. The jury sees Jonas’ as an exemplary project for sustainable, affordable and collective living in the densely populated city.

Completion of Jonas’
The Jonas’ residential building is sturdy, innovative and sustainable. It serves as the beating heart of IJburg and was awarded the highest attainable sustainability certificate, BREEAM Outstanding. Jonas’ has much to offer to its residents and the neighbourhood. It is all about connecting, sharing and togetherness. Inside and outside the building. Social and technical sustainability were the starting points for the design from the very beginning. The team achieved this joint ambition and we are extremely proud of the final result! Visit Jonas’ virtualy? Check out the video.
ABT granted tender Jonas through public competition
In 2017, as part of the Amvest team, ABT wins the public competition for the development of lot 42A on IJburg. This is the headland near the inner harbour of Haveneiland. The site is a central location on the future IJburgbaai bay.
Jonah and the whale
The Jonas plan, designed by Orange Architects, refers to the story of Jonas and the Whale. It represents adventure and intimacy, but also shelter, security and comfort in a ‘big body’. The building with its irregular openings creates an image of windows gently undulating across the façade. In this Jonas is just different. The building is not made of brick, but clad in dark, prepatinated zinc. The façade is not on the ground, but raised. The building is not rectangular, but diamond-shaped. The real surprise that Jonas offers is its inside. It is welcoming, warm and startling, expressing modern and sustainable community life. The spatial concept was inspired by the way wooden ships are traditionally built; A series of rafters placed back-to-back form the structural frame, constituting the main support of the building. This allows for large cavities in the building volume with the housing program in the ‘skin’ of the building.
There will be 273 apartments in Jonas, 40% of which will be sold as concrete shells and 60% will be rented. In the plinth on the first floor, space is reserved for offices, hospitality, a movie theatre and a community living room. The public square in front of the building is bordered by a wooden “rock” with steps. This rock is the entrance to the parking garage, but also a three-dimensional play area which may serve as a grandstand for events and performances. The square will be completed with an informal green and (in summer) a city beach.
Connecting canyon
The backbone of Jonas is the canyon. This special space connects all programs. During the day, the first floor is publicly accessible. IJburg residents can have coffee in the lounge or unwind in ‘the woods’ at the back of the building. The remaining parts of the building are accessible to residents only. There is a path from the lounge leading straight through the building to the sun terrace on the roof. Special attention was paid to the wind climate in the Jonas area. It means that the wooden rock at the front will break the wind for the square and the nearby restaurant terrace.
Jonas has intrinsic sustainability. Its healthy living environment, energy-efficient installation design and sustainable use of materials make Jonas a sustainability icon for IJburg.
Design Team
The design core team included Orange Architects, Felixx Landscape Architects as well as Planners and ABT. ABT was integral technical consultant for structures, sustainability, building physics, fire safety, installations, geotechnics and construction costs.
Images: © Felixx, © Orange Architects, and en © Stijn Poelstra