Eric Brok
Contact | +31 (0)6 13 14 31 72 |
e.brok@abt.eu | |
Kennisgebieden |
My name is Eric Brok, and I am a structural engineering manager/structural engineer at ABT. Two of my graduation supervisors (now retired ABT employees) at TU Eindhoven and I thought it would be a good idea for me to work at ABT, and so it happened. Since 2005 already! This confirms to me that I made the right choice back then and that I am in the right place.
What I do at ABT
For the past few years, for a change and out of interest, I occasionally make a side step to our subsidiary Windbase, as a structural engineer for wind turbine foundations, but also as a technical sounding board for all the developments and innovations taking place there. I love this variety in my work, and it greatly expands my knowledge.
One moment, I am deeply involved in a complex damage issue, critically, thoroughly, and highly analytically. Everything is focused on quality and ensuring or re-ensuring structural safety. The next moment, I use my creative side to realize beautiful and leading projects together with project partners and clients. This can be a completely new project, but also a beautiful renovation or repurposing project. I have a broad knowledge of steel, concrete, and timber structures, but I also don’t shy away from structural glass.
So, if you have an interesting design issue, a damage issue, or need independent advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Jakoba Mulderhuis
Jakoba Mulderhuis
