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Maintenance Sophia Children’s Hospital

In 2023, Erasmus MC definitively decided to move the Sophia Children’s Hospital (Sophia Kinderziekenhuis, SKZ) to a new healthcare building on 's-Gravendijkwal in Rotterdam. This new building is expected to be completed in 2031 to accommodate all the current functions of the Sophia Children’s Hospital.
Client Erasmus MC
Completion time 2021 - 2028
In collaboration with Erasmus MC, Architecten a.d. Maas, Sweegers en de Bruijn
Location Rotterdam
Project scope aprox. 25,000 m2 BVO

The current SKZ buildings, Sk, Sb, and Sp, are 31 years old and have never undergone a mid-life renovation. Due to the planning of the new construction, maintenance has been limited in recent years. This has led to a situation in 2024 where major adjustments are needed to ensure safety until 2031. ABT has developed an approach to improve fire and evacuation safety and is involved as a contract manager during the design and tendering phase. During the execution, we will also take on the project management.

Phased approach while the building remains open 24/7

The renovation project of building Sk consists of three phases, preceded by a preparatory phase 0. In this phase, a temporary building will be set up for 32 MC beds and departments will be relocated.

The operating rooms (ORs) of building Sb will be renovated in four phases, with two to three ORs being inaccessible at a time. There is also a phase 0 for maintenance of the recovery room. During the renovation, buildings Sb and Sp will remain partially in use.

Sophia Kinderziekenhuis
Interimgebouw in tuin Noord
Fasering gebouw Sk Sophia Kinderziekenhuis

Safety adjustments

The project “Maintenance SKZ 8 years” focuses on safety adjustments and requires the clearance of parts of the building across multiple floors. A temporary building for approximately six years will be set up for three medium care departments, an ICU department, and associated facilities. This building, connected to Sk via a new construction volume, covers approximately 2,000 m² GFA over five floors.