Dike reinforcement Kinderdijk-Schoonhovenseveer

In collaboration with | Combination Dike Improvement Molenwaard (Mourik Infra and Besix) |
Location | Kinderdijk-Schoonhovenseveer |
Project scope | 17,5 km |
Expertises | |
Challenging project
During the safety assessment in 2007, it was found that the dike on the southern bank of the Lek between Kinderdijk and Schoonhovenseveer did not meet safety standards over a large section. The main tasks were to reinforce the inner and outer slopes of the dike, as they otherwise threatened to collapse under water pressure during high water. The dike reinforcement on this section was challenging due to the extremely soft, peaty subsoil and the many homes and businesses along the dike. As a result, environmental impact played an important role. A special aspect of this project was the jacking up of two houses by up to 1 meter (after foundation repair) to enable the dike reinforcement.

Smart solution
To install the heavy longitudinal structures to great depths along the (monumental) buildings, ABT devised a pile wall with freestanding large-diameter bored piles. With this solution, we saved up to 50% of material usage compared to a conventional continuous longitudinal structure. To substantiate the reliability of the solution, we conducted a series of 3D analyses, sometimes with surprising results. This allowed us to provide Waterschap Rivierenland with improvements to the then-prevailing design guideline “Longitudinal Structures in Dikes.
Optimal integration
For a large number of houses, we considered the interaction between time-dependent deformation of the subsoil and the structural behavior of the pile foundation over time. This significantly improved the integration of the houses into the landscape. The alternative was to place a steel sheet pile wall around the houses, and no one likes living in a “bathtub.”
Since designing is more than just calculations, we also provided the associated verification and validation of the design. Additionally, we acted as an extension of the design team during execution, providing site engineering.