Building physics, acoustics and fire safety
To ABT a healthy, safe, sustainable and comfortable living environment is paramount. From the perspective of building physics, we devise solutions to issues arising from societal challenges, such as the energy crisis. But we also focus on sustainable materials such as building in wood, the nitrogen crisis and the increasing demand for comfort and safety. We see this in new construction, the existing built environment as well as listed buildings.
ABT’s approach considers the environment, building and user as a coherent whole. This gives the awareness to incorporate comfort and human well-being into the design process. By operating integrally and multidisciplinary, we can work out and apply new technical solutions or technological developments directly.
We advise and support architects, governments, property owners and developers in all phases of the design and construction process.
(urban) building physics
Temperatures that are too high or too low, draughty places, polluted air and leaks. Too much direct sunlight, too little daylight, wind nuisance, mould and noise pollution may seem innocuous in themselves, but they affect human health and comfort, or lead to damage to buildings and structures. These issues can all be prevented by getting proper advice. We have the necessary expertise to advice (and are constantly upgrading). Advice includes new developments such as vapour constructions, hybrid ventilation, bio-based materials and building in wood. For the Mate project, a new-build hotel on the Van der Madeweg in Amsterdam, the tower with hotel rooms is being designed with wooden modules.
Sound has an influence on our health and feelings of well-being. Noise pollution from road traffic, railroads and industries, as well as indoor noise, must be controlled. The soundproofing of the building envelope and between spaces is important, as well as limiting sources of noise such as technical installations. Room finishes are important to achieve good room acoustics and speech intelligibility. In addition to the regular built environment, we work primarily on special buildings such as museums, laboratories, atria and performance spaces. For advise we use advanced software. For the MCA project, a museum in Amsterdam, advanced software in the auditorium made sure that good acoustic comfort could be achieved in different configurations of the space.
Fire safety
Safety is an essential component in the design, construction and management of buildings. Fire safety requirements influence the design, including the division into fire and smoke compartments and escape routes. In addition, fire safety requirements influence choices for materials and finishes, as well as specific detailing.
ABT guides the design process by advising directly at the designers table, by preparing a fire safety concept or preparing an integral plan of fire protection. Our advice is an integral element of the design and use of the building. We will often look beyond regulations to ensuring business continuity or preventing reputational damage. For non-standard buildings, we will create custom solutions. These refer to equivalent solutions based on Fire Safety Engineering. For example, for the new courthouse in Amsterdam, a fireproof building was created with the desired architecture and openness of the building.
Charley Meyer
Specialist in building physics and sustainability
Jesper Goorden
Design leader
Aris Baan
Fire safety consultant
Christa Drolenga
Lead consultant
Giacomo Vairetti
Acoustical engineer
Jaap Wiedenhoff
Lead building physics, installations, and fire safety consultant
Jacco Paauw
Lead consultant
Paressa Loussos
Building physics and acoustics manager
Richard Claessen
Building physics and installations manager
Willem van der Spoel
Lead building physics, installations and fire safety consultant
Antony van Middelkoop
Civil engineer
Kanter Eefting
Fire safety specialist
Sasha Rodriguez Arambatzis
Lead specialist building physics
Daniël Koster
Junior specialist building physics